Sunshine Online – an English language learning solution
With 650 e-books and over 2000 activities, Sunshine Online offers engaging and relevant online resources for English Language Learners, in classroom settings and at home. There are also 82 interactive e-books for children to learn the letter-sound relationships in English, helping them to decode unknown words.
Supplementary Resources
With the shift from traditional learning to online learning, the Sunshine library of e-books and activities provides plenty of supplementary material for learners to practise their listening, reading and speaking in English.

Organise the Learning
The e-books are organised to gradually increase in difficulty over three learning spaces. They are narrated with highlighting, providing opportunities for new vocabulary and grammatical structures. A read-and-record function allows children to record themselves, listen to themselves and save for a teacher or caregiver. Comprehension quizzes test understanding of what children have read.
Program Features
Sunshine Online has three distinct Learning Spaces for Emergent, Early and Fluent readers.

There are over 600 fiction and non-fiction e-books that can be used for literacy learning and practice with hundreds of skills activities, as well as project-based inquiry for STEAM writing and research.

26 Alphabet e-books for emergent readers provide a comprehensive introduction to the building blocks of language.

There are 24 Letter Combination and 32 Word Family e-books for early readers. This represents, with the alphabet e-books, a comprehensive phonics program of texts, interactive activities and lesson plans.

These short animated explanations teach grammar points and parts of speech in a fun way. Upon completion, children get a certificate or trophy to reward their learning.

Letters and Words
These activities teach the alphabetic principle. Children learn to recognise the names and initial sounds of the letters and practise 48 high-frequency words in context.

91 e-books covering 22 levels introduce mathematics within the context of engaging stories to link literacy and numeracy. Lesson plans and animated and interactive activities complete the package.

Songs and Rhymes
Fifteen songs and an alphabet rap, with music and words for children to sing along to.

Game Zone
The games and activities entertain children, while they learn about the sounds of the language.

Online Education
Sunshine Online is based on a real literacy and maths program – delivered digitally! The e-book is the first focus, followed by interactive activities that explore a range of skills from the text. The program is supported by phonics e-books and activities, games, songs, raps and rhymes. The e-books are narrated to support the reader.

Sunshine in Schools
The e-books are levelled so that teachers can choose where to start children who are then motivated to progress through the levels. A year-long study showed that Sunshine increased the literacy skills of children in the early years of schooling, regardless of the student’s ethnicity, entrance reading level or gender.

Sunshine at Home
Parents can use the content as a library for their children to practise reading and navigate independently through skills activities and games. These activities follow every e-book and focus on the skills of phonics, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary and writing.